We serve our clients with a wide range of products from different insurers and investment houses.


We offer advice in the following areas of financial portfolio management


Wealth Foundation

In the same way that building a long-standing house requires a solid foundation, your financial plan needs a firm foundation. To do this we we determine your risks, goals and objectives.

With your wealth foundation in place we begin with reducing the cost of risk by expertly selecting options of insurance products, establishing wills and estate planning, tax optimisation and other strategies that we believe will assist your long term goals.


Protecting Wealth


Accumulating Wealth

Minimizing your financial exposure to the risks of unforeseen life events allows us to build further by planning your savings goals for wealth accumulation.

As your wealth accumulates our strategy matures and needs to be strategically managed to optimize the growth in your wealth. If you imagine your portfolio to be similar to a dam, it's at this point that your dam is filling nicely and we can look at creating other dams and feeding the water to new location, further enhancing your accumulation and risk cover.


Growing wealth


Distributing Wealth

As you move into your golden years, we believe that they should be well provided for to indeed be... your golden years! Your financial planning then changes with your new lifestyle and the strategies that we employ are in line with this next phase of your life.


with our clients

Our goal is to build and sustain long-term relationships with our clients - the best partnerships are forged in friendship and trust and are fortified with ongoing, value-adding communication. Our team is committed to staying in touch with you at least once a month (via email) and meeting with you at least once a year (more frequently if your needs dictate). Quarterly reports are sent out to our investment clients and medical aids are reviewed annually.

In choosing Inventum Financial we will ensure that your assets are well looked after; you can call on our team at any time if you have questions or need advice!

Regular contact
Annual portfolio reviews
Quarterly reports on investments
Ongoing asset management checks


We are qualified to independently assist you with
financial planning.

Financial Services Providers Department

Estate Planning and Consulting;  Estate Administration; Drafting of Wills;  Investment Planning; Consulting on Business Structures; Group benefits for companies and businesses.

Inventum Financial Planners CC is a Licensed Financial Services Provider (FSP 7139)

Kobus Niemann

Certified Financial Planner®

Rampie Niemann

Certified Financial Planner®

Bertie Michau

Certified Financial Planner®

About Kobus

Kobus Niemann is an Independent Certified Financial Planner with over 25 years of experience in the industry and he is the CEO of the company. He provides a lot of knowledge to his employees and clients over the years. He specialises in estate and investment planning, help clients with business structures, trusts and wills. Kobus is responsible for solving daily obstacles and is the key individual of the company.

About Rampie

Rampie Niemann is an Independent Certified Financial Planner. He graduated with a B.Com Degree majoring in Economics and has obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning Law and obtained his Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Estate Planning at the University of the Free State. He specialises in estate and investment planning and group benefits for companies and businesses. Rampie is also responsible for branding and marketing.

About Bertie

Bertie Michau is an Independent Certified Financial Planner. He graduated with a BSc Degree majoring in Agricultural Economics and completed a MBA from the Northwest University Business School. Bertie also obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning Law at the University of the Free State.

Enya Louw

Senior Support Administrator

Melinda Karsten

Personal Assistant

About Enya

Enya Louw is Inventum’s Senior Support Administrator, responsible for workflow and problem-solving. She is part of the Inventum team for the past three years, working mainly with clients and managing the practice with general enquiries. Enya is currently studying Psychology majoring in Clinical Psychology at the University of South Africa.

About Melinda

Melinda Karsten is a personal assistant, handling the medical scheme side of Inventum Financial and other related enquiries. She studied Hospitality and Tourism Management where she gained a lot of knowledge that she can apply to all other sectors and not just the hospitality and tourism sector. Her work history in the hospitality industry helped her to understand how to handle different client enquiries.


What are our clients are saying about us?

Good day Henko. Thank you  for looking out for our company's best interest now and in the past. I am so comfortable with you being only a telephone call away with ethical,  prompt info and showing patience together with  your friendly manner in  helping us whenever needed. I have total peace of mind knowing that you, now(with Inventum) , just as in the past, keep our business finances healthy, timeous and secure. We wish you and your business a blessed journey for the future.

Rudi Muller

Financial Advisors

Inventum Financial planners het met vriendelikheid en kundigheid my genader rakende finansiele advies. Ek het werklik baat gevind vanaf dag een. Die kwaartaallikse verslae en jaarlikse besoeke is verseker waar hul die voortoue vat. In nood omstandighede was daar altyd terugvoering van die span en kon ek gerus wees dat my navrae spoedig hanteer word. Ek sien uit hoe die professionele verhouding my besluitneming vandag en in die toekoms voordelig kan beinvloed. Dankie vir die pad wat ons al gestap het.

Pieter Botha

Spontaan, gedrewe en betroubaar is die drie fondamente van Rampie.  Entoesiasties om sy kliënte se belange altyd op sy hande te dra. Met onvergelykbare kennis is sy vakgebied sal jy altyd die beste raad ontvang.

Frans de Wet




Tel: 053 244 0986 | 081 725 7343

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We passionately believe that to live a fulfilled life we must help others achieve their dreams.